Advisory committees and auditor

Committee Members

Audit committee

Julien Pestiaux (Chairman)
Marion Debruyne
Frank Van Lierde

Remuneration committee

Victoria Vandeputte (Chairman)
Bart Deckers
Julien Pestiaux

Nomination committee

All members of the board of directors

The board of directors is of the opinion that its limited size does not impede efficient deliberation and decision making and that the board of directors as a whole is better able to evaluate the size, composition and succession planning of a.o. the board of directors.

Statutory auditor

The company's statutory auditor is Deloitte Bedrijfsrevisoren BV, permanently represented by Mr Ben Vandeweyer,

The statutory auditor conducts the external audit (of both consolidated and statutory figures) of Ackermans & van Haaren, and reports to the board of directors twice a year.

The mandate of the statutory auditor expires at the General Shareholders' Meeting of 2027. The annual remuneration for this mandate amounts to 132,500 euros (excluding VAT and expenses, including ESEF and Oeso Pillar II and annually indexable).

In anticipation of, and subject to, the imminent transposition of Directive (EU) 2022/2464 as regards corporate sustainability reporting (CSRD) into Belgian law, the auditor is also entrusted with the task of providing assurance for the consolidated sustainability information. This assignment expires at the General Shareholders' Meeting of 2027, and corresponds with an annual fee of 35,000 euros (excluding VAT and expenses, annually indexable).