Ackermans & van Haaren

AvH always pursues a long-term vision with ESG as part of its investment philosophy ‘Your partner for sustainable growth’.



As a diversified investment company, AvH operates a business model of sustainable growth, as illustrated in its baseline ‘Your partner for sustainable growth’.

As a responsible investor, AvH focuses in a structured manner on ESG. Sustainability is systematically used as an investment criterion. Progress is measured by core KPIs. AvH is also formally a member of the UN PRI initiative, and the principles of UN PRI in the area of responsible investment are applied.

Having the right policies and processes on matters relevant for ESG is one of the key priorities for AvH. All main indicators in this respect increased in 2023: 99% of the investment portfolio (expressed as a percentage of consolidated shareholders’ equity) have a corporate governance charter, 94% a relevant ESG policy, 85% an appropriate innovation strategy and 97% an integrity policy.

With the support of AvH, group companies actively define and reassess their goals included in these policies, focusing on the material ESG topics linked to their corporate strategy. While continuing to monitor the evolution of the CO2 -footprint of its group companies, AvH defined the ambition that, as of 2025, 80% of its investment portfolio will have a CO2 reduction plan towards 2030.

Group companies continued investing in environmental initiatives such as renewable energy, sustainable buildings or agriculture. These efforts, while technically challenging and costly, lead to more innovative and sustainable product offerings. AvH’s EU Taxonomy strong alignment underscores this positive impact. The AvH group stands out thanks to the substantial portion of its turnover (27%) and investments (43%) which are already aligned with this demanding framework.